Engine Test Bench

 Engine Test Bench can test all the major parameters as below:

  • Optional parameter for enabling the intrusion of a simulated combustion engine torque. 
  • Optinal parameter for activating the automatic gas torque adaption.
  • Simulated cylinder capacity of the combustion engine
  • Simulated compression ratio
  • Simulated length of the piston rod
  • Simulated oscillating mass
  • Simulated cylinder bore
  • Simulated number of cylinders
  • Reduction factor of the simulated combustion engine torque related to the torque generated by the electrical motor
  • Simulated form factor for calculating the combustion function in dependence from the crankshaft angle
  • Simulated burning degree factor for calculating the combustion function in dependence from the crankshaft angle
  • Simulated isentropic exponent for pressure calculation inside a cylinder in dependence from the crankshaft angle
  • Simulated intake pressure during load change
  • Simulated exhaust back pressure at load change
  • Simulated ambient pressure
  • Crankshaft angle where the valves are opened for in-taking the unburnt gas mixture
  • Crankshaft angle where the valves are closed for in-taking the unburnt gas mixture
  • Crankshaft angle where the burning of the gas mixture begins
  • Crankshaft angle where the burning of the gas mixture is accomplished.
  • Crankshaft, where the valves are opened for exhausting the burnt gas mixture
  • Crankshaft, where the valves are closed for exhausting the burnt gas mixture
  • Simulated moment of inertia of the combustion engine
  • Simulated moment of inertia of the gear box

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